A Word Of Thanks At The End Of Schlockmania, Year One

When Your Humble Reviewer started this blog, he wondered how long it would take until writing posts felt like a grind.  This post caps the first full year of Schlockmania and thankfully, it hasn't gotten dull for him yet.  There are some weeks where it is tough to get the writing done but putting the end results out there is always rewarding.  It is consistently interesting to see what will take off and become a popular post - and there's no shortage of new subjects and posting approaches to be tried out.However, none of the above could be done in a vacuum.  A lot of people have commented upon, encouraged and supported this little blog in a number of ways and they deserve thanks.  The first thanks must go to you, the reader.  Knowing that people out there are paying attention and finding things to enjoy on the site makes the writing worthwhile.  It's the fuel that this site runs on so please keep it coming - and comments are always welcome.Thanks must also go to the many companies who were kind enough to provide the review copies that help Your Humble Reviewer to keep this site current.  In the DVD world, Schlockmania is grateful to Shout! Factory, VCI, Severin, Synapse and Drew Rosas for their generosity.  In the area of music, Schlockmania tips its cap to FunkyTown Records, Harmless Records and Esoteric Recordings.  In the area of print publications, many thanks to Fangoria for allowing the site to sample its current style.And finally, some people whose support and encouragement were absolutely crucial to the site's existence deserve their own round of applause.  To Jadan Duffin, who designed the site, and Sri Rao, who hosts it, thanks for giving Your Humble Reviewer an online soapbox.  Rao and Neil Butler encouraged Your Humble Reviewer to get a blog going so he'll always be grateful providing the gentle prompting that inspired this site.  Chris Poggiali was kind enough to give the site its first promotional push on his site so he is obviously a schlock scholar and a gentleman (visit his site!).If you've been kind enough to read Schlockmania thus far, please continue to do so.  Your Humble Reviewer will do his best to keep things interesting in Year Two.


Schlockmania’s Official SAW Parody Short Script (Free PDF Download!)


DISCO DISCHARGE - DISCO FEVER U.S.A.: Deep In The Heart Of The Mirrorball Era