Schlock-Wire: Schlockmania Reviews COHEN & TATE At AVManiacs

Just putting up a quick blurb to let any interested parties know that Your Humble Reviewer contributed a review of MGM's recent DVD-R release of Cohen & Tate over at AVManiacs.   If you aren't familiar with this title, it was the directorial debut of screenwriter Eric Red (The Hitcher and Near Dark) and is a hard-boiled, offbeat crime/chase tale with a fantastic performance from Roy Scheider.  If this interests you, be sure to check out the write-up - you can go directly to the review by clicking this link: you're there, check out the other recent reviews for more coverage of MGM's "On Demand" DVD-R releases.  Your Humble Reviewer will be contributing a few more reviews to this coverage over the next week so stay tuned for further updates.


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