Schlock-Wire: Update on Shout! Factory's 1st Roger Corman Discs - Order Links Plus Blu-Ray News For ROCK 'N' ROLL HIGH SCHOOL
Today's news is a short but sweet update from Shout! Factory about the first two releases in their forthcoming line of "Roger Corman Cult Classics." As stated before in the Schlock-Wire, these Corman reissues are Your Humble Reviewer's most anticipated DVD releases of 2010. Blu-Ray fans will be happy to know that Rock 'N' Roll High School will now also be available in that format in addition to the standard definition DVD's. Keep reading for the info and the Amazon pre-order links (and click on the cover-scan icons to get a better look at the cover art)...UPDATE FROM SHOUT FACTORY:"As you may know already, Shout! Factory will launch the upcoming Roger Corman’s Cult Classics home entertainment series this May beginning with Rock’n’ Roll High School 30th Anniversary Special Edition and Suburbia Collector’s Edition. Each DVD is set for May 4, 2010 street date in North America . Most recently, we also confirmed the Blu-ray™ debut of Rock’n’ Roll High School 30th Anniversary Edition on May 11, 2010.
For the May DVD & Blu-ray releases as well as upcoming titles from Roger Corman’s Cult Classics home entertainment series, Shout! Factory DVD production teams have been working hard to remaster a number of great Corman titles that have been long out of print, some never-before-available on DVD and Blu-ray. Moreover, these releases boast a wide range of newly produced bonus content including new interviews, commentaries and featurettes."
To purchase these discs directly from Shout! Factory, just click on the "Buy" buttons below: