THE YEAR IN SCHLOCK CINEMA 2011 SIDEBAR: Retrospective Favorites

As a quickie sidebar to the site's two-part Year In Schlock Cinema 2011 coverage, here's a quick rundown of Your Humble Reviewer's work in the retrospective review division.  These are the most difficult reviews to write, due to the familiarity of the titles.  When you're dealing with a film that everyone knows well, the best you can hope for is to find a personal and distinctive way into your chosen film.That was the mandate behind each of the reviews listed below - each took a lot of work but they were amongst the most rewarding writing that Your Humble Reviewer did this year.  The following baker's dozen selections are presented to you in the hope that you might revisit one of these classic or maybe even find a new favorite.  In any event, have a happy stroll through the backpages of cult cinema history...The BabyThe Boston StranglerCaged HeatDirty Mary Crazy LarryThe ExterminatorI Spit On Your Grave (1978 version) - plus a special Southern Discomfort sidenoteJackson County JailLast Man StandingThe Mechanic (1972 version)ScreamSilent RageStraw DogsZombie


Digi-Schlock: SANTA CLAUS (1959) (VCI Blu-Ray)


THE YEAR IN SCHLOCK CINEMA, 2011: Part 1 - The New Releases